December 07, 2022

US Magnesium 401 Permit Application Public Comments

This summer, FRIENDS of Great Salt Lake learned that US Magnesium is seeking a 401 permit from the Utah Division of Water Quality to extend their intake canals several miles further into Gilbert Bay of Great Salt Lake so they may continue to draw 100,000 gallons of water per minute from the lake.

FRIENDS of Great Salt Lake opposed this project and petitioned the Utah Division of Water Quality to hold a public hearing and take public comments on the application.

We hoped the public would speak up, and did you ever - over 800 public comments were submitted!

You can read all of the comments that were submitted here: US Magnesium 401 Permit Public Comments

We are grateful to every single voice that was raised, and we urge you to keep it up. You are making a difference for Great Salt Lake.

The Utah Division of Water Quality is now working to address each comment individually before making their final decision on the 401 permit application.

FRIENDS of Great Salt Lake is following the issue closely and will keep you updated as the process unfolds.

Watch for more opportunities to take action for Great Salt Lake as we approach the 2023 Utah Legislative Session, and sign up to receive our Advocacy Alert emails!