Changing Conditions and the Future of Saline Lakes

University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Fort Douglas Officers’ Club
May 10-11, 2012

 Thank you Everyone

Sunset Heard ‘Round The World by Charles Uibel
“Salt lakes are widespread throughout the arid and sub-arid regions of the world and include a diverse array of aquatic ecosystems of considerable ecological value. Economic development and population increases are causing ever-increasing demands for fresh water, and salt lakes remain among the most imperiled natural habitats. Their fates will largely be decided by this generation.” – Robert Jellison, International Society for Salt Lake Research


About the Issues Forum:

The Issues Forum seeks to bring together researchers, government agencies, managers, industry, and environmentalists working on Great Salt Lake and other saline lake systems in the western United States. Presentations by colleagues visiting from other corners of the globe will add international perspective as we investigate the broader issues of saline lakes experiencing anthropogenic stress. Key stressors to be addressed during the Forum include mineral extraction industries, urban and agricultural water diversions, urban and industrial waste streams, and climate change. Expert panels will be assembled to discuss innovative solutions for saline systems under stress.

Wednesday, May 9 – Pre-Forum Session on Mercury – Free to the Public

  • Understanding Mercury Contamination of the Lake

Thursday, May 10

  • Plans, Strategies and Management Issues for Saline Lake
  • Management Tools – How tools address changing conditions and support the sustainability of the system and its resources
  • The Role of Science and Monitoring in Decision-making
  • Recent and Ongoing GSL Management Issues (Case Studies)

Friday, May 11

  • Regulatory and User Perspectives + The Future
  • Regulatory Role and Responsibility
  • Perspectives from Lake Users
  • Expert Panel Discussion

Saturday, May 12 – Post-Forum Field Trips

  • Spiral Jetty
  • Great Salt Lake
 Posted by at 6:12 am